Summer's Swan Song

As I sit here writing this blog post I can feel a slight change in the air. Autumn is just a stone’s throw can feel it in the evening breeze, just ever so slightly. Even the smell in the air is starting to change. The top of the sugar maples are starting to turn as they do every August. It's as if Mother Nature gently touched each top with her watercolor paint brush. Just a little dash of rouge color paint from her ever changing palate of seasonal colors. The Burning Bush shrubs are also starting to turn from their emerald, green leaves to the tips slightly tinted with blush only too soon to turn to the crimson cranberry color they’re known for in autumn. I have to say...this is my favorite time of summer. It doesn't seem as hot in the mornings, or the evenings and it makes it more bearable to sit out on the back deck overlooking the English garden. I planted this garden a few years back when we took down the above ground pool. I do miss that pool, but it didn't seem feasible when it was just me getting in it. I love to watch the hummingbirds go from the different mounds of the bee balm and trumpet vine flowers while listening to the honeybees and bumble bees going between all the various flowers that I have planted over the past few years. That garden was planted just for them and even though I've been stung quite a few times this year, I won't hold it against them ;). The cricket's song also gets louder...they too know summer is coming to an end. This summer kept us close to home with no vacations on the books. My youngest daughter and I took a wonderful day trip up to Shelburne Falls. I have to of my favorite places. Steeped in history it's also been recently linked to many a movie and television show filming site (Labor Day, The Judge, Dexter and many more). Shelburne Falls, MA is your lovely little New England town. You have the beautiful Bridge of Flowers and the most eclectic little shops. You also have the Glacial Potholes that were formed at the last ice age where the Deerfield River is. One store in particular is called Flora The Shop, which is named after her sweet little pup. Her shop looks over the river and the Bridge of Flowers. Her flag says 'Get In Here" and you're not kiddding! She has the cutest things! I can't wait to go back. I loved taking candid pics of my Kyleigh on The Bridge of Flowers. To see her smile and enjoy the beauty along with me made my heart smile. It's been a difficult 18 months and I'll take any smile I can get from her. One thing that this year, my 48th year, has brought with it has been the onset of menopause...This has been nothing shy of miserable. My mother passed away 10 years ago, and I never thought about discussing "the change" with her. I'm a very up-front kind of person and am not shy about this whole change of life thing...especially in front of my daughters. I feel that menopause has been such a taboo subject. I want my daughters to know that no matter what stage of life you are at...embrace it. ALL OF IT! I know it's different for everyone but unfortunately, it's not been an easy journey. With my family medical history, unfortunately I'm unable to take the traditional hormones that are available. So, in the meantime, I'm relying on the power of positive thinking, a good strong fan, peace of mind, easy mornings, and a nice cocktail every now and then ;) I will end this post for now but before I do...please remember to be kind to yourselves, to each other, and just breathe. <3


  1. Love your garden pics! And great bridge of flowers captured- I haven’t been up that way for agesπŸ’– and we should make menopause less taboo! πŸ™Œ I’ve been affected by it for 6yrs now πŸ˜…

  2. i want to be there! i love new england so much, and there's nothing like it for autumn perfection! thank you for these glimpses of such peace and beauty.


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