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Summer's Swan Song

As I sit here writing this blog post I can feel a slight change in the air. Autumn is just a stone’s throw can feel it in the evening breeze, just ever so slightly. Even the smell in the air is starting to change. The top of the sugar maples are starting to turn as they do every August. It's as if Mother Nature gently touched each top with her watercolor paint brush. Just a little dash of rouge color paint from her ever changing palate of seasonal colors. The Burning Bush shrubs are also starting to turn from their emerald, green leaves to the tips slightly tinted with blush only too soon to turn to the crimson cranberry color they’re known for in autumn. I have to say...this is my favorite time of summer. It doesn't seem as hot in the mornings, or the evenings and it makes it more bearable to sit out on the back deck overlooking the English garden. I planted this garden a few years back when we took down the above ground pool. I do miss that pool, but it di

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